Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Total Quality Management for Customers- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theTotal Quality Management for Customer and Suppliers. Answer: Identifying key customers, suppliers and competitors of the service M1 Limited is one of the three major telecos that operate in Singapore. The company is famous for providing best quality services for mobile voice and telecommunication. The target customers of the company comprised of people that frequently use the telecommunication in the services and cellular data in order to gain entrants in the new market. The pace to set up new innovative services was provided by M1 in the early years of the development of the mobile brands (M1.com, 2018). The customers are normally the teen people and the business executive of the population of Singapore that have a huge impact on the use of mobile phones and telecom data. As such, the suppliers of the company are the local and international service providers that provide authentic and quality services to the customers. The suppliers are the dealers that are involved with the development of the service networks such as 3G and 5G connection. One of the biggest advantages of the company is that it provides the best quality of connection in the local and international level that helps in the elimination of competitors in the industry. As stated, M1 Limited is one of the telecos companies in Singapore; the other two telecos companies include Starhub and Singtel. These two companies pose a major threat to the market as these companies are the oldest companies in the country. Thereby the loyalty of the people is centred around these three companies and failure to meet the expected standards of the people may have a negative consequence in the market (M1.com, 2018). Explaining the benefits of quality in the organisation As stated by Dale (2015) quality management has certain benefits that help organisations gain a competitive advantage in the market. These benefits include the satisfaction of the customers. Every customer believes that quality of products and services are the ultimate factor that dictates the success of an organisation. Without proper quality, organisations cannot hope to gain customers to remain loyal. As a result, quality of the products and services need to be provided so that the organisations can gain competitive advantage. In the case of M1 Limited, the quality of the services needs to be maintained due to the strong competition in the network market. It has been seen that the customers of the company expect good quality mobile network service and failure of it may provide competitors like Starhub with an opportunity to increase its customer base. At the same time, Oakland (2014) is of the opinion that a benchmarking is formed by providing quality and services. This can assist the employees working in organisations, as they need to replicate and maintain a consistent performance in the type of service and products that have been provided. In the case of M1 Limited, the employees need to ensure that a proper quality is maintained that can help in developing a quality consciousness. The benchmarking can provide the employees working in M1 to ensure that the same quality is maintained so that the customers remain satisfied. Discussing three pitfalls of implementing quality in the organisation Despite the success and benefits that quality management provides to the organisations, several pitfalls also exist that may hamper the proper progress in an organisation (Goetsch Davis, 2014). One such pitfall is the implementation of quality without a proper blueprint of the product or service. In order to ensure that an organisation provide quality services and manufactures quality products, managers need to set a plan that outlines the manner in which this can be achieved. This blueprint can help in understanding the number of resources and capabilities required for the implementation of quality. Another pitfall that may befall M1 Limited is the fact that the management of qualities may be disconnected with the original objectives of the organisation. Every organisation need to maintain a set of objectives at the start of the year to provide an aim to the employees (Oakland, 2014). These objectives can be disrupted with the implementation of quality service as the process of work need to change. Quality may even hamper an organisation if sufficient testing of the products and services are not carried out. In the words of Dale (2015), the lack of quality check may sometimes result due to the lack of time for the employees to complete the work. Urgency on the part of the customers can result in the failure to check the quality of the products. Reference Dale, B. (2015).Total quality management. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. M1.com. (2018).M1.com.sg. Retrieved 24 March 2018, from https://www.m1.com.sg/ Oakland, J. S. (2014).Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases. Routledge.

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